Thursday, 7 December 2023

End of unit blog - Preslee

Our plan-

Looking back at the planning we did at the start, I think we stuck to our plan and did well showing our work.

Having had the experience of this project, if I was planning another project I would try and choose a better and more interesting topic.

milestone 1-link

milestone 2-link

milestone 3-link

Link for week 5 plan- Link

All our links 

week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

week 9

Time management- 

Looking back at how well we planned and then recorded each week's and day's work and managed our time, I think we did a good job but we should have tried harder to plan our week.

Another time, I would try and plan our weeks better so we have something to do.

Collaborative skills-

Considering how our group managed our relationships, discussions, decisions, and the way we shared out and contributed to the work, I think we work well together and got all of our work done.

In future, I would make sure we all have a task to do.


Looking at our research and comparing it to what other groups did, I think we found everything we needed to and that's how we got our model.

If we were to do this again I think we should focus more on our topic.


Looking back now at how we planned and prepared our presentation, I think that we did good at showing all our research.

Final presentation-


I think our presentation went very well. Our board was very colourful and i think that drew people in. Our board had all the information that was needed for you to know what we did.

If I did this again I think I would show how our model works.

what did I learn-

I learnt about power and how to make it using water. We did lots of research about what river or streams would be good for our model. 

do this again?

I would not like to do this as I feel like it was a bit of a boring topic. I also think that we lost valuable time for learning.

What did you learn from this process that will help with future projects?

I learnt that if you choose something you don't like then you won't find it enjoyable.

What advice would you give to the teachers if they are running this or something similar in the future?

Let the students choose the topic or it will be boring and not as interesting. I feel like if the topic was more interesting then more people would have participated and been more enthusiastic.

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Week seven

 This week we got all of our equipment together with the help from Mrs Hirschberg and Mr Georgetti. We used a led light to see the power.  We tried to see if the hose makes enough pressure but it didn't  so we had to use the taps. We are getting ready to present.

1. What have you achieved/learned/found out since your last post?

gathered our equipment 

2. How effectively have you used your time this week?

very well

3. How have you contributed to your group’s progress?

by helping with the testing

4. Glows: something that is going well in your project:

how we use communication 

5. Grows: Something you need to work on:

getting more work done

6. Where could you get help with this? 

i think if we stay on task better 

7. What are the next steps for your project?

to start our slides

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

week six

 what we did:

This week our group went to the mill down Mill road. Eva and I had to go on a journey into the stream to do water testing. We found out that  the stream is too slow for our plan. 

some of our results from water testing where

- Clarity was 30 cm of visibility

- The stream bed was made up off rocks,mud.weeds and rubbish

- The water temp was 16.6 inside the water.

- The flow was slow taking 2.20 minutes travailing 3 meters.

We also talked to Mr Thorn about getting a hydro generator and we saw how it works.

Friday, 10 November 2023

Power to the people - Preslee

For the past few weeks we have been learning about sustainable power and how it can be used. Our plan is to make energy using the Otaki water ways.

1. What have you achieved/learned/found out since your last post?

So far I have learned about how hydro-power works and the different ways it can produce power. We also watched some videos and read some books about water mills and how they can create sustainable power.

2. How effectively have you used your time this week?

I have managed our time well this week finishing our proposal and starting on our research.

3. How have you contributed to your group’s progress? I have collectively worked with my group and we have all been sharing all the load.

4. Glows: something that is going well in your project:

what is working well most is our collaboration and knowing what jobs need to be done.

5. Grows: Something you need to work on:

staying on task and making sure we know how to make our model.

6. Where could you get help with this? 

being punished by the teachers if we get off task.

7. What are the next steps for your project?

Figure out and make a water turbine, with help from Mr Thorn and Mr Gorgetti and maybe Matua T.

Friday, 27 October 2023


 Describe at least one important technique used in the text. Explain how the technique created an emotional response in you.

In the Holocaust memoir 'Night' by Elie Wiesel, three events that impacted me emotionally were The first night in camp when Elie saw children being thrown in flames, the crematorium and the death march. The writer uses a range of language features including repetition, metaphors and direct speech.

The poem "never shall I forget" was written on the first night in the constriction camp. He uses one very distinctive language feature which is repetition. In this pose poem he repeats the line "never shall I forget" seven times. The way the words "Never shall I forget" shows the impact that the Nazis had on the Jewish people. It made me feel sick and thankful that I am able to be alive. I feel like the poem had many affects on Jewish people and how they can relate to the words "Never shall I forget". The way Elie repeated " never shall I forget" embedded in my mind. The first night in the new normal" was probably the hardest.

Another event that affected me was when the Jews were heading towards the crematorium. 

A quote from the book " poor devils, you are heading to the crematorium" shows how no one thought about the Jews and tried to stop the wrongdoings from the Nazis. The quote affected me emotionally because they were so close to death and they didn't know. I can not imagine the thoughts going through their mind and not knowing if they are going to live.

"faster you tramps, you flea-ridden dogs!" reading this made me sick and tears formed in my eyes. Having to listen to people calling you names, discouraging you and making you feel worthless will definitely have an affect on how you see others and your visions on the world. If it were me I would feel unwanted, rejected from society, inhumane and not accepted.

The author used multiple different language features including repetition, metaphors and direct speech. Elie Wiesel showed me that using these language features in a way that describes what he went through. The way Jewish People were treated and slaughtered is tragic. The things they saw and how it affected them and their lives was soul destroying. Having to write and talk about a traumatic experience, having to live through all the bad memories that happened between 1933 and 1945. The book really opened my eyes and taught me lot about the holocaust. The thought of people being murdered by other humans makes me feel sick.The world has changed so much since the Holocaust and I pray nothing like this happens again.

Elie Wiesel, Author of Night, Aged 12

  Our English class is studying the memoir Night, by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel.

I worked in a group with Eva ,Pearl and Lillie to create an Empathy Map for Elie at this age.

Elie Wiesel had a very religious Life and was well loved by his family. He was eager to learn about the Kabbalah and struggled to find a teacher. His farther wouldn't allow him to learn about it as he was to young. Although his family was religious he still had a happy life.

The Jewish People and the Jewish Religion

  The Jewish People and the Jewish Religion

We watched two videos about Judaism (the Jewish Religion) and the Jewish people. Some things I found out were That they only eat a selection of meat including cow,sheep,chicken and duck.

One thing I thought was interesting was The fact That they don't eat Pig, rabbit, lobster and octopus. I find it so weird how they only eat some meat and not others.

I would like to find out more about there culture and they was they lived. I want to know what it was like living as a Jew and if life was hard.

Sad joke on a marae

 In English class we have been reading about the poem sad joke on a marae. It is about a man who is struggling and does not know much about his culture. The only Maori he new was Tihei Mauri Ora.

I drew this because he said he the jail was his home.

What really happened

  I think the Maori where mislead by the English because they mistranslated the treaty so they could take over New Zealand without the Maori knowing.