Tuesday 28 November 2023

Week seven

 This week we got all of our equipment together with the help from Mrs Hirschberg and Mr Georgetti. We used a led light to see the power.  We tried to see if the hose makes enough pressure but it didn't  so we had to use the taps. We are getting ready to present.

1. What have you achieved/learned/found out since your last post?

gathered our equipment 

2. How effectively have you used your time this week?

very well

3. How have you contributed to your group’s progress?

by helping with the testing

4. Glows: something that is going well in your project:

how we use communication 

5. Grows: Something you need to work on:

getting more work done

6. Where could you get help with this? 

i think if we stay on task better 

7. What are the next steps for your project?

to start our slides

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