Our plan-
Looking back at the planning we did at the start, I think we stuck to our plan and did well showing our work.
Having had the experience of this project, if I was planning another project I would try and choose a better and more interesting topic.
milestone 1-link
milestone 2-link
Link for week 5 plan- Link
All our links
Time management-
Looking back at how well we planned and then recorded each week's and day's work and managed our time, I think we did a good job but we should have tried harder to plan our week.
Another time, I would try and plan our weeks better so we have something to do.
Collaborative skills-
Considering how our group managed our relationships, discussions, decisions, and the way we shared out and contributed to the work, I think we work well together and got all of our work done.
In future, I would make sure we all have a task to do.
Looking at our research and comparing it to what other groups did, I think we found everything we needed to and that's how we got our model.
If we were to do this again I think we should focus more on our topic.
Looking back now at how we planned and prepared our presentation, I think that we did good at showing all our research.
Final presentation-
I think our presentation went very well. Our board was very colourful and i think that drew people in. Our board had all the information that was needed for you to know what we did.
If I did this again I think I would show how our model works.
what did I learn-
I learnt about power and how to make it using water. We did lots of research about what river or streams would be good for our model.
do this again?
I would not like to do this as I feel like it was a bit of a boring topic. I also think that we lost valuable time for learning.
What did you learn from this process that will help with future projects?
I learnt that if you choose something you don't like then you won't find it enjoyable.
What advice would you give to the teachers if they are running this or something similar in the future?
Let the students choose the topic or it will be boring and not as interesting. I feel like if the topic was more interesting then more people would have participated and been more enthusiastic.